Server Systems
Enterprise Grade Server Systems for Businesses Anywhere
The Importance of Servers
Servers are an essential part of a business’ I.T. Infrastructure that help streamline and simplify many business-related tasks. Servers are specialized computers that provide a variety of services, such as managing user access, centralized data, line-of-business applications, as well as controlling printer and email resources. Selecting and installing the right server to fit your needs should not be an inconvenience. PHN is a Certified Lenovo Partner and ready to work with your business and build the server systems right for you.

Types Of Servers
A mail server is a computer system that sends and receives email for your organization, acting as a computerized version of the post office.
File servers are devices that store data and files to be shared across a business network between users without having to physically transfer the files.
A DC is a computer system that stores and authenticates user information and security privileges, allowing access to other network resources.
A print server is a system that manages all the printers in an organization and can manage the print queue and accommodate faster printing.